08:00 am Sunday Holy Communion

 (Book of Common Prayer)





10:00 am Sunday Parish Communion

 (Common Worship)

Encouraging words and a cup of coffee afterwards

Sung service with hymns and a choir




6:30 pm Sunday Choral Evensong

 (Book of Common Prayer)

Traditional words and a blessing at the end of the day

Music with a mixed voice choir

Once a month a Service of Wholeness with prayers and anointing of the sick.

See Services page for dates




11:00 am Wednesday Eucharist

 (Common Worship)

Said service followed by coffee and fellowship




6:30 pm First Friday Communion

 Said service in the Formby Chapel




Morning Prayer – 9.00am – on Mons, Tues, Thurs, Sat mornings

All are very welcome to be part of this quiet but important start to the day, as we not only join with the Church throughout the world in prayer but pray for our parish and local community.